Message From Dance First. Think Later – 618 Rules to Live
“Dance First, Think Later” is a collection of the life wisdom from six speakers, doers and thinkers. They are funny and sly in nature. Some are declarative in nature; others thoughtful. There are 618 rules to live by – funny, sly, declarative, thoughtful, and more!
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s right.
All suffering is caused by being in the wrong place. If you’re unhappy where you are, move.
Whenever you have a little bit of time for yourself, read a book.
It always seems impossible, until it is done.
Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.
If you have an idea, that’s good. If you also have an idea as to how to work it out, that’s better.
Never follow the crowd.
The conclusion of the book is a compilation of life wisdom from an unexpected group of speakers. These speakers are not your typical icons or celebrities, but they are people who have lived extraordinary lives and have been able to overcome the most difficult obstacles.
This is a great reminder that life has its ups and downs, but we should always strive to do what makes us happy – pursue our passions and live our lives to the fullest.